Tag Archives: alimony

Length of Marriage is not the only Factor in Determining Alimony
In New Jersey, permanent alimony is granted by the court only in divorces of long-term marriages. However, there is no exact rule stating how many years a couple must be married in order to be considered long-term. On July 29, 2015, the New Jersey Supreme Court held that the length of marriage could not… Read More »

New Jersey Senate Judiciary Committee Recommends 2010 Palimony Law Be Applied Retroactively
The New Jersey Senate Judiciary Committee has recommended that a substantial change be made to New Jersey’s 2010 palimony law that could potentially invalidate hundreds of agreements between cohabitating couples. The Committee recommended the Senate pass a bill, no. S2553, that would make retroactive its 2010 law requiring all palimony agreements be in writing… Read More »

New Jersey Court Orders Hearing on Ex-Husband’s Motion to Modify Support
On March Sixth, the New Jersey appeals court decided in a post-divorce case that the ex-husband was entitled to a hearing on his motion to modify alimony and child support, despite repeatedly being denied by the trial judge. By the time the appellate court ordered the hearing, the lower court had already denied his… Read More »

Advice from New Jersey family law judges: Don’t wait four years to ask the court to “correct” its “error” regarding child support and alimony
Earlier this month, a New Jersey appeals court issued a ruling in yet another stage of ongoing litigation between a divorced couple who continue to battle over alimony and child support orders established when the couple divorced more than eight years ago. The couple in this case were married in 1994 and divorced in… Read More »

Lawmakers End Permanent Alimony in New Jersey
There are many different types of alimony that may be awarded in a divorce in New Jersey. In the past when a family court judge was asked to award alimony, the judge would first make an initial determination whether an award of Permanent alimony was warranted. If not, then the judge would move on… Read More »